Mount Elden Graffiti Removal Project
Natural Restorations Dedicated Restoration Team - October 2019
1,375 square feet of graffiti removed from Mt. Elden
In 2019, we received grant funding from REI and Unisource Energy Services Coconino to remove graffiti from Mount Eldon in Flagstaff. Our Dedicated Restoration Team removed 1,375 square feet of graffiti from the boulders.
In October, we contracted 3 Veterans on our Dedicated Restoration Team and got to work on a graffiti removal project at Mount Elden in Flagstaff. Our team removed 1,375 square feet of graffiti and hope we get the chance to go back in 2020 and remove even more graffiti.
Veterans working with us on this project benefited from our program not only through paid contract work but also through spending time in nature with other veterans. It was extremely rewarding both mentally and physically for the veterans to accomplish this project and make a lasting impact on the state.
You can view past team projects HERE and all of our graffiti removal projects HERE.
Click picture for full-size image gallery (before & Afters below)
Our hope is that by removing the graffiti as seen in the pictures below, fewer people will make the mistake of thinking it is okay to tag the rocks and boulders. We believe everyone should be able to experience nature without graffiti.
Please contact the non-emergency # for the area if you see anyone vandalizing public lands & please contact us when you see graffiti or trash in outdoor recreation & wilderness areas.
Mount Elden Graffiti Removal: 1,375 sq Ft removed
check out a few before & Afters - Click picture for full-size image gallery
View more projects completed by our Dedicated Restoration Team HERE.
We proudly use Graffiti Removal Products and the EcoBlaster Portable Pressure Washer & Water Source from World's Best Graffiti Removers. Thank you to Adam and everyone at World's Best Graffiti Removers for all of your support over the last 3 years! You can check out our other graffiti removal projects HERE.
If you would like to help fund projects like this, click the Donate button below will link you to PayPal. enter 'Veterans' in the special instructions and your donation will go towards our dedicated restoration team projects.
If you or your organization is interested in sponsoring our Dedicated Restoration Team and helping fund team projects, please contact us.
Thank you to everyone at REI and UniSource Energy Services Coconino for awarding us with a grant to expand our graffiti removal program! We would also like to thank everyone at the Coconino National Forest for their support of this project.