NR Volunteer receives SRP Presidents’ Volunteer Spirit Award
Each year, outstanding SRP employees & retirees are selected for the SRP Presidents’ Volunteer Spirit Awards based on the volunteer work they do within their community. We could not be more proud of Natalia Smith, SRP Safety & Health Specialist, for being a recipient of SRP's Presidents' Volunteer Spirit Award for 2024 as a result of her volunteer work with us.
Click HERE to view a video shown at the awards ceremony.
Natalia embodies the spirit of volunteerism! She has been volunteering with us for the past seven years & has been able to combine her love of nature & outdoor recreation with her passion for making a difference & keeping Arizona beautiful.
In honor of Natalia's outstanding volunteer service, SRP presented Natural Restorations with a check for $2,500 during the award ceremony. We are grateful for Natalia's commitment to our mission, environmental stewardship, & encouraging other community members to get involved & leave areas better than they find them.
Desert Botanical Garden - We had the honor of speaking at the February 2024 meeting of Volunteers in the Garden at the Desert Botanical Garden. The main focus of our talk was on our work replanting in the 2020 Bush Fire burn scar on the Tonto National Forest.
We are honored to be featured in this Doing More segment from Cox Communications for our 12/09/23 Lower Salt River Cleanup.
We are honored to be featured in the OCT/NOV 2023 issue of Phoenix Home & Garden Magazine ~ Click HERE to check out the interview. Photos by Schultz Digital
4th annual Save Our Saguaros Replanting Event ~ Click HERE to check out an interview with Arizona Republic & click HERE for an article the U.S. Forest Service published. Photos courtesy of CVC Photography
U.S. Forest Service Chief’s Honor Award ~ In March 2023, Tonto National Forest Employees and Partners, including Natural Restorations, the National Forest Foundation, & Arizona Wholesale Growers were honored at the U.S. Forest Service Chief’s Honor Awards Ceremony for our work on the Four Peaks Restoration Project. We received this award plaque in June.
Nicole Corey, Executive Director & Co-Founder of Natural Restorations featured on Valley Focus with Kayla Mortellaro ~ Click HERE to check out the interview.
Photo courtesy of CVC Photography
Nicole Corey, Executive Director & Co-Founder of Natural Restorations featured KTAR & The Mike Broomhead Show ~ Click HERE to check out the interview.
Natural Restorations is featured on Cronkite News ~ Click HERE to check out the full story by Sydney Witte.
Overland Expo Foundation: The Benefits of Beautifying Outdoor Spaces Click HERE to check out the full interview with Nicole Corey from Natural Restorations.
Supporting Military Veterans and Local Ecosystems Through Natural Restorations' Lower Salt River Restoration Project ~ Click HERE for the article from ON Semiconductor.
Nicole Corey, Executive Director & Co-Founder of Natural Restorations is featured on ShoutOut Arizona ~ Click HERE to check out the full interview.
Nicole Corey from Natural Restorations is featured on the Arizona State Parks (Super Awesome) Podcast : Season 2, Episode 5 ~ Click HERE to listen to the podcast.
Natural Restorations is featured on Visit Arizona ~ Click HERE to check out the full story by Nora Trullson.
Natural Restorations is featured on CleanUp News ~ Click HERE to check out the full story by Meg Carney.
We would like to thank everyone at the U.S. Forest Service Southwestern Regional Office and everyone at the Tonto National Forest Service for recognizing our restoration work across the state and for sending us these gorgeous and thoughtful awards!
We received a 2019 Southwestern Regional Volunteer & Service Award and a 2019 Citizen Stewardship & Partnership Certificate of Appreciation for our restoration work on the Tonto National Forest. We also received a 2018 Citizen Stewardship & Partners Award for our work on Arizona National Forests. Thank you for recognizing the hard work of our Dedicated Restoration Team and volunteers!
Natural Restorations is in Superstition Living Magazine ~ Click on the photo below to read the article about Natural Restorations & ways you can be a good steward of our public lands.
Meet Nicole Corey - Voyage Phoenix Magazine ~ Click HERE to read the article about Natural Restorations & Nicole Corey, Executive Director & Co-Founder.
Matador Network ~ Plogging with Desert Paddleboards. Click HERE to read the article.
Air Canada - En Route ~ How Plogging is saving the planet, one workout at a time. Click HERE to read the article.
Natural Restorations is in Phoenix Magazine ~ Check out the July issue for the Trail Trash Warriors article Mare Czinar wrote about us on the Citizen Hiker page.
Natural Restorations on YURAZ ~ Natural Restorations was featured along with our friends from OdySea Aquarium and Cox Communications at our 04/22/19 Earth Day Lower Salt River Cleanup at Phon D Sutton. Click the link below to watch the video.
Natural Restorations Executive Director, Nicole Corey, selected as one of Nick’s Heroes on Arizona’s ABC15 ~ click the link below to watch the segment.
Natural Restorations on Cronkite News Arizona PBS ~ Natural Restorations was featured on the Cronkite News Arizona PBS for our Graffiti Removal Project at the Florence Boulders with our Dedicated Restoration Team in March.
Click HERE to read the article and watch the video.
Natural Restorations on the Radio ~ Nicole returned to the Valley Focus program to interview with Valerie More on Sunday, April 14th & 21st, 2019. Nicole promoted our 04/22/19 Earth Day Lower Salt River Cleanup on the Tonto National Forest. Click below to listen to the interview, it takes a minute or so to start playing.
Natural Restorations is on BizBash ~ Click HERE to see Natural Restorations listed as one of 3 new ideas for Entertaining in Phoenix/Scottsdale.
Natural Restorations on the Radio ~ Nicole returned to the Valley Focus program to interview with Valerie More on Sunday, January 6th and 13th, 2019. Nicole promoted our 01/19/19 10th Annual Environmental Stewardship Event at Hewitt Station with Footprints Matter to Us on the Tonto National Forest. Click below to listen to the interview, it takes a minute or so to start playing.
January Superstition Living Magazine
Our 2nd Annual Green Friday Lower Salt River Cleanup on 11/23/18 was highlighted in Superstition Living Magazine’s January issue. You can view all of the pictures from these event HERE.
December 2018 Superstition Living Magazine
Our 2nd Annual Lower Sycamore Cleanup on 10/20/18 was highlighted in Superstition Living Magazine’s December issue. You can view all of the pictures from these event HERE.
Natural Restorations on the Radio ~ Nicole returned to the Valley Focus program to interview with Valerie More on Sunday, October 14th, 2018. Nicole promoted our 10/20/18 2nd Annual Lower Sycamore Cleanup on the Tonto National Forest. Click below to listen to the interview, it takes a minute or so to start playing.
Natural Restorations on the Front Page of the Superior Sun ~
Our 04/07/18 Desert Cleanup between Superior and Picketpost Mountain made the front page of the Superior Sun! You can view all of the pictures from these event HERE.
Natural Restorations Recognized by U.S. Forest Service
Saturday, March 10th, while we were removing graffiti at the Beardsley Boulder Pile for the Trim Beardsley 2018 Event, we missed the U.S. Forest Service Tonto National Forest Volunteer Appreciation Potluck.⠀
We received a U.S. Forest Service National Citizen Stewardship & Partnership Award for being a valuable member of the award-winning Tonto National Forest South Zone Volunteer Program. Thank you to the Mesa Ranger District for presenting us with a Bronze Challenge Coin for achieving a bronze level length of service by completing over 5,000 hours for the Tonto National Forest - Mesa Ranger District.⠀
Natural Restorations on the Radio ~ Nicole returned to the Valley Focus program to interview with Valerie More on Sunday, February 4th, 2018. Nicole promoted our 02/17/18 Salt River Cleanup with Friends of the Tonto National Forest. Click below to listen to the interview, it takes a minute or so to start playing.
Natural Restorations on the Radio ~ Nicole returned to the Valley Focus program to interview with Valerie More on Sunday, January 7th, 2017. Nicole promoted our 01/20 9th Annual Stewardship Event with Footprints Matter to Us, along with volunteer events on 2/03, 2/17, and 4/02. Click below to listen to the interview, it takes a minute or so to start playing.
Natural Restorations Benefits People & Places Throughout Arizona ~ Autumn 2017 edition of the Arizona Trail Association Newsletter. Click HERE and go to page 3.
Natural Restorations on the Radio ~ Nicole returned to the Valley Focus program to interview with Valerie More on Sunday, November 19th, 2017. Nicole promoted our 11/24 Green Friday Cleanup along with volunteer events on 1/21, 2/03, 2/17, and 4/02. Click below to listen to the interview, it takes a minute or so to start playing.
Natural Restorations on the Radio ~ Nicole returned to the Valley Focus program to interview with Valerie More on Sunday, October 15th,2017. Nicole promoted our 10/21, 11/24, 1/21 and 2/03 volunteer events. Click below to listen to the interview, it takes a minute or so to start playing.
Natural Restorations is in the News ~ We were featured in the Arizona Daily Sun for our 09/10/17 Cleanup along the Arizona Trail in Flagstaff. Click HERE to read the article.
Natural Restorations on the Radio ~ Nicole was a returning guest on Flagstaff Mornings with Peter Bruce on Friday, August 25, 2017. Nicole promoted our 09/10/17 Cleanup Along the Arizona Trail Behind Mary's Cafe and our 09/23/17 Cinder Hills OHV Area Cleanup.
Natural Restorations in on 12News ~ We were featured on 12News bringing attention to our Dedicated Restoration Team. Click HERE to watch the video and read the story.
Natural Restorations in the News ~ We were featured in the February 2017 issue of Green AZ Living. The article is called Loved to Death? A Popular Recreation Area Needs A Helping Hand, click HERE to read the article.
Natural Restorations on the Radio ~ Nicole returned to the Valley Focus program to interview with Valerie More on Sunday, January 15th, 2017. Nicole promoted our 1/21, 2/18, and 3/11 volunteer events. Click below to listen to the interview, it takes a minute or so to start playing.
Natural Restorations in the News ~ We were featured in the September 2016 issue of Green AZ Living. The article is called Natural Areas in Arizona Get Much Needed Love, click HERE to read the article.
Natural Restorations in the News ~ Copper Area News printed an article about our upcoming community cleanup event with Footprints Matter to Us on Saturday, October 1st, to support the town of Superior. Click HERE to read the article.
Natural Restorations Named Recipient of the Buffalo Exchange Token for Bags® program - July through December. You can now donate to Natural Restorations just by shopping at Buffalo Exchange in Phoenix. The Tokens for Bags® program offers every customer who opts to use a reusable bag (or to not use a bag at all) one “token” valued at $.05 USD (the cost to produce a bag) to donate to one of several local charities selected by the store employees.
Natural Restorations on the Radio ~ Nicole was a guest on Flagstaff Mornings with Peter Bruce on Wednesday, July 13th at 7:37 a.m. airing on KAFF 93.5 FM, KAFF 107.9 FM, and KAFF 930 AM. Nicole promoted our July 16th Trash Cleanup along the Arizona Trail near Walnut Canyon.
Natural Restorations on the Radio ~ Nicole returned to the Valley Focus program to interview with Valerie More on Sunday, April 24th at 5am & again at 6am on 93.3 KDKB, 97.9 KUPD, 100.7 KSLX, and 1440AM KAZG. Nicole promoted our April 30th Trash Cleanup off Old Florence-Kelvin Highway.
Natural Restorations named Semi-Finalist in Social Venture Partners (SVPAZ) 2016 Fast Pitch Program for innovative non-profits leading change in Maricopa County. Click HERE to request a copy of the News Release.
Natural Restorations Cleans Up Pinal County ~ Winter 2015 edition of the Arizona Trail Association Newsletter. Click HERE and go to page 5.
Natural Restorations Cleans Up the Coconino ~ Autumn 2015 edition of the Arizona Trail Association Newsletter. Click HERE and go to page 5.
Natural Restorations Cleans Up the Arizona Trail ~ Summer 2015 edition of the Arizona Trail Associations Newsletter. Click HERE and go to page 4.
Natural Restorations on the Radio ~ Nicole was a guest on the Valley Focus radio program with Valerie More on 08/09/15 and 08/16/15 at 5am & again at 6am on 93.3 KDKB, 97.9 KUPD, 100.7 KSLX, and 1440AM KAZG. Nicole promoted our 08/15/15 Trash Cleanup outside Flagstaff and our 10/17/15 Broken Glass & Trash Cleanup at the Florence-Kelvin Trailhead of the Arizona Trail.