May 2021 - Payson/Shoefly OHV Areas - Cleanup Project
Our Dedicated Restoration Team removed 2,680 pounds (1.34 tons) of trash, 21 tires removed and recycled, and 260 square feet of graffiti removed from OHV areas around Payson on the Tonto National Forest - Payson Ranger District. We focused on the Houston Mesa Road trails and Forest Road 1173 up to Wedding Point.
Thank you to everyone at the Tonto National Forest Service - Payson Ranger District for your support of this project.
Before & After Photos
This is the trail to Wedding Point off Forest Road 1173, we removed trash & graffiti from this trail area.
260 square feet of graffiti removed from
wedding point off of forest road 1173
Before & After Photos
We proudly use Graffiti Removal Products and the EcoBlaster Portable Pressure Washer & Water Source from World's Best Graffiti Removers. Thank you to Adam and everyone at World's Best Graffiti Removers for your support! You can check out all of our Graffiti Removal projects HERE.