2nd annual salty saguaro classic Lower Salt River Cleanup
Salty Saguaro Classic Design by Fink Ink Inc.
On Saturday, October 12th, 2024, we hosted our 2nd annual Salty Saguaro Classic Lower Salt River Land & Water River Cleanup & Fundraiser on the Tonto National Forest.
123 volunteers, including 13 youth volunteers, helped us remove 1,920 pounds of trash from the Lower Salt River! We raised $2,196 to help support our restoration projects on the Tonto National Forest! Thank you to everyone who donated to help support our 501c3 nonprofit organization!
Volunteers canvased the river from Water Users down to Granite Reef picking up trash from land & water, as well as helping us removing invasive cockleburs and stinknet.
Thank you to everyone who helped us make a positive impact on the river! Thank you to our Salty Saguaro Classic Event Sponsors (listed below)!!!
We had over 60 amazing prizes for the raffle! Volunteer received a free raffle ticket for reach bag of trash they brought to our dedicated dumpster & volunteers could donate to our nonprofit for additional tickets.
Salty Saguaro Classic EVENT SPONSORS
We are grateful to Event Sponsors for donating funding, prizes, & services. We would also like to thank everyone at the U.S. Forest Service Tonto National Forest for their support of our restoration work at the Lower Salt River.
Click on an event sponsor logo below to visit their website.
Photos courtesy of Garett Cline
Raffle Winners
Volunteers earned a free raffle ticket for each bag of trash and invasive cockleburs they brought up to our dedicated dumpster donated by Patriot Disposal Phoenix, and they could donate to our fundraiser for additional tickets. Thank you to all of our Event Sponsors for donating funding & raffle items! Raffle winner photos below. We raised $2,196 for our Restoration Projects on the Tonto National Forest!
Thank you to everyone at Patriot Disposal Phoenix for donating a dumpster and the disposal fees to the event!
Join us at an upcoming volunteer event: Events Calendar
Natural Restorations is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Federal EIN 81-4745055.